Online marketplaces to sell abroad

Topic available in the Cross Border Ecommerce Course

Online marketplaces to sell abroad

Topic available in the Cross Border Course

Online market places are great ways to go global

A common mistake your business can make with global expansion is investing significantly up front before validating that your brand resonates with target consumers. Initially, when selling abroad,  a business needs to test, learn, and iterate. Before launching a localized online store, consider experimenting with a marketplace that serves your target region or country is a good idea. A total of 60% of global online sales takes place on marketplaces.

With so many countries to sell in and online marketplaces to sell on, where to start?

Topic available in the Cross Border Ecommerce Course

Why using online market places to go global

With their ever-expanding logistics network and international customer base, Market places reduces the barriers to global expansion for local companies.

We will review international marketplaces to go global during the training session:

  • Alibaba
  • Tmall
  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Overview of major global market places
  • Identify the right marketplaces for your business
  • Reach international consumers looking for your products.
  • Optimize your online marketplace presence at an international level
  • Review of some tools available for market places
  • Cannibalization of sales on your branded store

In the course we give you helpful information and tips to sell abroad with global marketplaces.