6 ways to use AI to boost your exports and sell more online

Artificial intelligence (AI) will have a positive impact on international trade. Already, specific applications in areas such as data analysis and translation services are helping to boost companies’ exports. Here are 6 practical examples of the use of artificial intelligence to help companies to export more abroad.

The impact of AI on economic growth and international trade

To the extent that AI stimulates productivity growth, it will promote greater economic growth and provide new opportunities for international trade. But it will take time for economies to incorporate and effectively use new AI technologies that require significant investment, access to skilled people and a transformation of business practices.


  • Artificial intelligence for global value chains

AI already has an impact on the development and management of value chains around the world. It can be used to improve forecasts of future trends, such as changes in consumer demand, and to better manage risks throughout the supply chain. Inventories can be managed more efficiently to improve manufacturing and delivery accuracy in just in time. Intelligent manufacturing relies on sensors and machines, materials and supplies connected to the Internet to enable predictive self-maintenance and rapid adaptation to customer requirements. As more and more industries integrate smart manufacturing, greater connectivity could open global value chains to a more specific participation of service providers specializing in R&D, design, robotics and data analysis adapted to distinct tasks throughout the supply chain. Conversely, AI could also be used to relocate part of the production. Wider automation opportunities and 3D printing could reduce the need for extended supply chains – especially those that depend on large, low-cost labour pools.

  • Artificial intelligence-assisted translation services

Another area where artificial intelligence is already being deployed is in digital platforms and marketplaces such as eBay. For small businesses in particular, e-commerce has created unprecedented opportunities for globalization. In the United States, 97 percent of small businesses that are on eBay export, compared to only four percent of their counterparts that are not online. Translation services developed using artificial intelligence enable digital platforms to become the engines of international trade, whether Amazon, Alibaba, Ebay, Zalando

  • Chatbots

Bots are software that allow a customer to interact with a company by messaging. They are an increasingly common application of AI in trade. While some bots operate alone, many others complement human operators within the company, No matter how effective your marketing messages are, sometimes a prospect wants to talk to a human being before making the final decision about a sale. Or sometimes they may simply want to feel like they are talking to a human. In these cases, AI is an effective substitute, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is more effective than a real human operator. Chatbots can be programmed to answer basic questions about products and services in different languages, provide customer support and service, cross-sell and up-sell…. This reduces the workload of human operators and allows website users to get answers to their questions at any time, and in different languages, even if your online chat service is only available during working hours. Instant response to requests means that in many cases, barriers to conversion are eliminated, which will help you make sales any time of the day or night on your website

  • The AI will allow us to reach a global or local audience

It is not enough to create tons of content. It is also important to be able to distribute this content in the best possible way. And one of the obstacles facing international marketers today is the barrier of geography and culture. There is still a long way to go before we can target potential customers both globally and locally. And target them not only in terms of language and cultural references, but also by publishing at the right time to have the greatest possible impact. AI may also be used in the near future to carry out geo-referenced targeting and reach an audience by geographical area. Manual creation of localized content for audiences around the world may seem impossible, but artificial intelligence will make it a reality in the future. Localized content already exists on platforms such as Google and Facebook. For example, Facebook highlights events that take place near you and Google is optimized to provide different results for people using the search engine in different parts of the world. Localization in content marketing can open up new markets for you, especially with AI.

  • Content marketing

In today’s highly competitive environment, content marketing is a central part of a company’s or brand’s message and to succeed, it must adapt dynamically. It is clear that the content marketing sector has adopted artificial intelligence and machine learning. Today, the personalization of content is of paramount importance in ecommerce. But according to recent studies, 60% of content marketers have difficulty customizing their content. This is an even more serious problem internationally, at a time when consumers are looking for unique experiences with brands. Today’s digitally savvy customers actively want to build deeper relationships with the companies they frequent, and many marketing automation software companies are taking up this challenge by creating tools and solutions that allow marketers to focus on personalized engagement with customers. An example of content customization is taking advantage of user demographics to provide relevant content. This can be done by collecting information from users, such as their postal code, to provide them with relevant and relevant content. Natural Language Generation (NLG) is an important branch of Artificial Intelligence that should have an impact on content marketing in the future. Natural Language Generation essentially uses algorithms specially created to translate data into human language, which will lead, among other things, to the automation of certain news in the coming years, as is already the case for those of an economic nature. A recent Gartner study found that nearly 20% of business content was generated solely by machines. Heliograf, the Washington Pos’s internal bot, has written hundreds of articles covering everything from sports to politics. These robots are not only more efficient, but also more capable of writing in several languages. This only means that international content marketers must have access to high quality, state-of-the-art tools and technologies to better analyze the content they create for the international market.

  • Social networks

What would happen if a machine could take on some of your most repetitive tasks and allow you to focus on the most creative aspects of your presence on social networks? In 2019, a number of programs based on artificial intelligence can significantly improve the way we use social networks for marketing. And, they are quite simple to implement. This makes it possible to create content automatically with platforms such as Lately. Sprout Social’s automated technology can also help you generate tweets that can be used to respond to fans, customers or subscribers. Ultimately, AI is revolutionizing our lives, both professionally and personally. Omnipresent, AI also gives companies that have adopted it a significant advantage.