Social media to go global

Topic available in the Cross Border Course / Web to go Global Course

Social media to go global

Topic available in the Cross Border Course / Web to go Global Course

Developing a multilingual social media strategy at an international level

If your company operates multi-nationally, creating and perpetuating a social media presence globally will eventually become a consideration – if it’s not already.

The challenge is that your social media efforts need to be localized for each target market, in the same way your websites need to be. It’s tricky, but not as difficult as it may seem.

In the course we answer the following questions:

  •  How to choose the right social networks for your target countries ?
  • How to find out what people like ?
  • How to develop a strategy ?
  • How to lcoalize the content you publish on your social media accounts  ?
  • How to interact on the social media accounts ?

Topic available in the Cross Border Ecommerce Course

Topic available in the Web to Go Global Course

A global social media strategy is key to approach new markets

International social media gives your brand unparalleled access to your global customers and can be a low-risk and cost-friendly way to test your in-market opportunity. When it’s done well, social media is one of the best ways to embed your brand in each market with top-funnel consumers. It will also help build post-sales brand advocacy while you make the case for expanding your in-language presence across other channels.